Monday, April 28, 2014

Hullo, my friends! So I pretty much forgot about this blog over the last couple of months but my bestie Emilie Miller inspired me to do a book tag.
I found this great book tagonline sooo um enjoy!

1) Do you get sick while reading in the car?
NOPE. you are jealous. It's a giftXD

2) Which author's writing style is unique to you and why?
C.S. Lewis. He's really good at tying theology, mythology, symbolism, and history into a nice children's book that can be understood by a five year old. After all, it was him who said "A children's book that can only be enjoyed by a child is not a children's book at all."

3) Harry Potter or Twilight? Three reasons why.
HARRY POTTER. 1. I haven't read Twilight.. 2. I don't really enjoy romance novels. 3. Pfft. Wizards are SO much cooler than vampires.

4) Do you carry a book bag?

5) Do you smell your books?
....YES. especially when they're new. is that strange?

6) Book with or without illustrations?
Um, with. If they're good. However, sometimes I like to leave it up to my imagination.

7) What book did you love while reading but afterwards figured out it was awful writing?
I don't know. I don't really read bad books. I usually do a lot of research on a book before I read it, so this never really happens...i'm nerdy that way.

8) Any funny stories about books from your childhood?
I once hid behind a desk, waited for my brother to come by, and shouted "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!" Spoiler alert: it didn't work. I also checked every single closet for Narnia.

9) Thinnest book on your shelf?
The Tempest, Shakespeare.

10) Thickest book on your shelf?
Either the House of Hades or Oliver Twist.

11) Do you write as well as read?
No. I'll do short stories, and that's about it.

12) When did you get into reading?
Two years ago when I had a fantastic literature teacher who really inspired me. Since then I've had more great teachers that have continued to spark my love for books.

13) Favorite classic book?
SO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM. probably Jane Eyre or The Chronicles of Narnia.

14) In school was your best subject Language Arts?
Not really. I like literature and history.

15) What is a lesser known book series that you really like?
I don't know. I'm more into single books. The Chronicles of Narnia or the Infernal Devices I guess.

16) Favorite word?

17) Vampires are fairies?
Fairies. Duh. *cough* midsummer night's dream.

18) Love triangle or forbidden love?
Like I said, not a romance novel kinda girl. but forbidden love sounds pretty interesting.

19) Nerd or geek?
Pfft.Puhleaze. POWER OF THE NERDS.

Oookay so that's it I'll be doing a review on The Clockwork Angel once I finish it and after that I'm gonna read "If I stay" and "Shatter Me" They both look amazing and I can't wait to read them.


Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Patrick's Day

So it's been a while, my friends! Yeah, so I haven't talked to you guys in a few weeks. But OBVIOUSLY the appearance of a historical holiday will pull me out from the shadows. You know, just so I can complain about it.
For those of you who don't know, Saint Patrick's story is extremely inspiring. Patrick was the son of a deacon and the grandson of a priest so obviously he was not foreign to concept of Christianity. What most people don't know is that Patrick was actually from England, and was kidnapped by Irish pirates when he was 16, so around 417 AD. He spent around a decade in Ireland as a slave and while he was there converted into Christianity. This makes sense since he spent years slaving and probably had nothing to think about except his past life and all the theology his family probably talked about. Eventually, God sent him a message to run away where he would find a ship to take him home. But here comes the remarkable part: He went back. He went back to the place that abused him, enslaved him, and he preached the gospel to them. Ireland: one of the most Roman Catholic places in his area and Patrick, a born and raised Protestant, ministered there. So in the early 1700s an annual feast is held in his honor, a day to remember and appreciate the forgiving, humble Saint that ministered to Ireland.

So of course, the modern holiday is nothing like that. I mean, everyone knows that four leaf clovers have nothing to do with this holiday because Patrick actually illustrated with a three leaf clover (three leaves, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, connect by the stem) I mean...everyone knows that right? Right?

I always have this nit to pick with how the whole of millions of people celebrate St. Patrick's day, and Valentine's Day, and Christmas, and Easter, and all of these strictly Christian holidays. I kinda get Saint Patrick's day, like, okay, Ireland has a certain right to it, but other than that...I mean, I respect Hanukkah! And yet the majority of the entire world doesn't have the decency to respect that the Son of the God we worship has a holiday to commemorate His birth, and they still go off and spend hundreds of dollars on meaningless items, blaming it all on Santa Claus. Then there's my personal favorite, The Easter Bunny! Oh, that's rich. "Lets take this holiday, hmm, looks like a serious holiday to celebrate the resurrection of a son of a god which this religion worships, pretty much the very core of their belief, lets make it an international holiday, paint eggs, and tell people its all about a bunny!" Yes, very rich.

So, yeah, I think that St. Patrick's day should probably be a little more restricted to the people who actually have something to be thankful to him for. Why should people celebrate a holiday if they don't believe its worth celebrating, ergo, they believe that the event or person benefited modern society in a significantly positive way. I mean, I believe that St. Patrick benefited modern society in an EXTREMELY significant and positive way, thus, I celebrate. But the 21 year old across the street who is drunk right now on green beer...he doesn't think that.

"Gosh, Sarah, you complain about everything." Yeah well, the world is pretty messed up. Irrelevant quantities of green beer and celebration is just scratching the surface of my aggravation.

So I hope that changed your view on St. Patrick's day, even in the slightest, and till next time, my friends, and Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
*cough* THREE leaf clovers, thank you.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Happy Thursday! It's almost weekend, yay! I have a Latin exam to do and science paper to write and a math test to study for! I've officially decided that weekends are overrated.

So it's been almost a week since I've post, so I thought I might as well give you a new review. I'll probably do a movie since I haven't gotten the chance to read a lot lately. I'm thinking of doing Truman Show.

So what's been going on in my life? Well I finished Sherlock, the tv show, and my life is officially ruined. Downton Abbey season 4 is ending this week, ugh. Lots of tests and essays on the horizon, too. Oh, and I went to Breakaway last weekend.

Breakaway was pretty much the highlight of my month. I went with about seven other churches into the mountains where we snow tubed, worshiped, played games and it was a lot of fun. We were there for three days, but it felt like so much more. Of course, the churches got a little competitive and I am extremely proud to say that Wheatland won the ping pong tournament for the second year in a row!:P

What about you guys? What's going on with you? I'm pretty sure that's what the comment section is for;)

So be watching out for that movie review and happy week end!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentines Day

So today is February 14, 2014. For months I've been looking at this as "The day I leave for Breakaway", "The day The Fault in Our Stars trailer comes out" but it dawned on me that today is also Valentine's day. Wow.

So yay. It vday! I got some chocolate and candy and stuffed animal frog. Lovely. But in all honesty, I am not a huge fan of this holiday. It's just so...specific. It's like saying "Let's make a holiday for people who own iPhones", "Let's make a holiday for because who like the color green,". And maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we did it like the old times, where it was a feast dedicated to a saint. Like whoever decided that? Yeah I know the story of St.Valentine, yeah. But really a National Holiday? I can imagine it now.
"National lemonade day? No...National nail polish day? Nah. Hey! Remember that saint guy Valentine?"
And I'll admit, it was so much more logical in the year 496 when a saint was arrested for performing illegal weddings and illegally ministering, and wrote a fair well card that said "Your Valentine" on it to his jailers daughter before being  executed. It seemed a good thing to have a feast and celebrate in his honor. Unfortunately, few people in America actually know this story, so the holiday has become a completely different thing. Completely.

All that to say, Valentine's Day used to be so.sensible. Now, I'm just in it for the chocolate. Sometimes I think it would be worth it to give up my phone to live a few hundred years back when society had, like, a clue. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The 202nd

Originally I wrote this on Monday, yesterday. And as usual I got lazy and didn't bother pressing the post button. Here we are, lazy again, not really up to editing this post to make it look like I wrote it now, or editing it to look, like, sensible or something.
So lets pretend that A) its Monday and 2) that there are absolutely no typos, misuse of words, irrational wording, blah, blah, blah.
Okay, moving on. So three days ago, the 7th, was Charles Dickens 202nd birthday. I'm sorry I didn't get around to posting something about that, because he's one of my favorite authors.

So in honor of that, I will be doing a book review on Oliver Twist on my Book and Movie Review page. Enjoy!
In others news, well, not much is going on. 111 days until the EOTYG, which I am SUPER excited for. Other than that, today is Monday and if you feel the same towards Mondays as the rest of the world, than you are probably not having a grand time. Sorry about that. I hate Mondays too.

So be looking out for that Oliver Twist review and happy reading!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February Blues

So as I said a few posts ago, its the middle of the year and extremely dreary. It's a rather bland time of year, 
And I'm not just talking about school work.

I always thought that people were exaggerating when they said "long distance friendships are hard." Yeah, cliche, right?
Maybe at first.
A lot of you from VPSA will know that having a friend who lives far away (cough cough, Texas) is really hard. My best friend lives in Flower Mound, Texas. It's hard enough when you're friend lives halfway across the country, but we're talking my sister. Countless times I've found myself bitter, stressed, worried, and every time I do the same thing: go to Emilie. (I'd like to point out that my spell check does not think "Emilie" is a real word. Shun.) So obviously it's tough when we are in different time zones with different schedules and well, that occasional time when the phone runs out of battery. You'd think that we wouldn't be so close if we live so far away. But really, distance is a challenge and hurtle that you go through when you are friends with someone far away, it only makes you want to work harder. 

So if that wasn't cliche enough...

I guess this is just a shout out to you guys like us who struggle with long distance friendships. It's tough, I know, but just count down the days till you see them next. And if you don't have anything planned to see them, then plan it!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Post titles are meaningless and hard to come up with. End of story.

I find myself debating what to title this post, and as it seems I am at a lack of creativity, you'll have to forgive me if it never receives a title.

Today in math class Mr. Conner asked for five volunteers to factor five polynomials on the board. I'm not gonna explain what that means, because I am rather confused about it myself. Anyways, no one volunteered. There was an awkward silence and, pitying my poor, volunteerless teacher, I raised my hand, went to the board, made a complete fool of myself, and will probably never volunteer unless I know the answer again. Looking back, I don't know why I volunteered. It was like trying to translate in a language you don't know. And yes. I did just refer to math as a foreign language. 

The point't volunteer in Algebra class unless you know the answer. Was there a point to this post? 
Actually, believe it or not, yes, there was. 
I wanted to tell you guys that I watched The Hunger Games: Catching Fire last night and the review will be popping up on my review page sometime soon. And after years of receiving question after question about the Percy Jackson series, I'll be doing a review on that too. And if you don't have enough boring blog posts of mine to read, there will be a video coming up on my "Extra" page soon of my favorite booktuber. 

Alright so you've wasted enough of your time on this practically un-beneficial blog of mine, so, for sake of not being responsible for your grades dropping, go resume your school work! And may the odds ever be in your favor. 

Bunnies are adorable. True story.