Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Post titles are meaningless and hard to come up with. End of story.

I find myself debating what to title this post, and as it seems I am at a lack of creativity, you'll have to forgive me if it never receives a title.

Today in math class Mr. Conner asked for five volunteers to factor five polynomials on the board. I'm not gonna explain what that means, because I am rather confused about it myself. Anyways, no one volunteered. There was an awkward silence and, pitying my poor, volunteerless teacher, I raised my hand, went to the board, made a complete fool of myself, and will probably never volunteer unless I know the answer again. Looking back, I don't know why I volunteered. It was like trying to translate in a language you don't know. And yes. I did just refer to math as a foreign language. 

The point't volunteer in Algebra class unless you know the answer. Was there a point to this post? 
Actually, believe it or not, yes, there was. 
I wanted to tell you guys that I watched The Hunger Games: Catching Fire last night and the review will be popping up on my review page sometime soon. And after years of receiving question after question about the Percy Jackson series, I'll be doing a review on that too. And if you don't have enough boring blog posts of mine to read, there will be a video coming up on my "Extra" page soon of my favorite booktuber. 

Alright so you've wasted enough of your time on this practically un-beneficial blog of mine, so, for sake of not being responsible for your grades dropping, go resume your school work! And may the odds ever be in your favor. 

Bunnies are adorable. True story.

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