Thursday, February 6, 2014

February Blues

So as I said a few posts ago, its the middle of the year and extremely dreary. It's a rather bland time of year, 
And I'm not just talking about school work.

I always thought that people were exaggerating when they said "long distance friendships are hard." Yeah, cliche, right?
Maybe at first.
A lot of you from VPSA will know that having a friend who lives far away (cough cough, Texas) is really hard. My best friend lives in Flower Mound, Texas. It's hard enough when you're friend lives halfway across the country, but we're talking my sister. Countless times I've found myself bitter, stressed, worried, and every time I do the same thing: go to Emilie. (I'd like to point out that my spell check does not think "Emilie" is a real word. Shun.) So obviously it's tough when we are in different time zones with different schedules and well, that occasional time when the phone runs out of battery. You'd think that we wouldn't be so close if we live so far away. But really, distance is a challenge and hurtle that you go through when you are friends with someone far away, it only makes you want to work harder. 

So if that wasn't cliche enough...

I guess this is just a shout out to you guys like us who struggle with long distance friendships. It's tough, I know, but just count down the days till you see them next. And if you don't have anything planned to see them, then plan it!

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