Originally I wrote this on Monday, yesterday. And as usual I got lazy and didn't bother pressing the post button. Here we are, lazy again, not really up to editing this post to make it look like I wrote it now, or editing it to look, like, sensible or something.
So lets pretend that A) its Monday and 2) that there are absolutely no typos, misuse of words, irrational wording, blah, blah, blah.
Okay, moving on. So three days ago, the 7th, was Charles Dickens 202nd birthday. I'm sorry I didn't get around to posting something about that, because he's one of my favorite authors.
So in honor of that, I will be doing a book review on Oliver Twist on my Book and Movie Review page. Enjoy!
In others news, well, not much is going on. 111 days until the EOTYG, which I am SUPER excited for. Other than that, today is Monday and if you feel the same towards Mondays as the rest of the world, than you are probably not having a grand time. Sorry about that. I hate Mondays too.
So be looking out for that Oliver Twist review and happy reading!
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